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Linux Tomcat max open files

First of all, I must say that Tomcat is one code that shouldn’t be never written. Troubleshooting is a bitch, it uses Java, and the official support is closing to zero. I stumbled into...


OneCoin / OneLife scam going on

I have personally followed the ups and downs of a scam going on – OneCoin. It calls itself cryptocurrency, but in truth, it has nothing to do with one. There are shades all over...


WinRAR 5.40 beta 1 compression test

A quick test of WinRAR 5.40 beta 1 compression. The test file is Windows 10 X64 14342 EN-US ISO = 3 948 806 144 bytes RAR5, normal compression, 256MB dictionary size, nothing else, took about 7 min = 3 654 902 593...